Serious Trouble
Serious Trouble
They Even Broke Into My Safe!

They Even Broke Into My Safe!

The Feds raid Mar-a-Lago, and Alex Jones faces the music — but will probably get a large break on punitive damages. Sad!

Dear listeners,

Well, there’s been some serious trouble this week.

The FBI executed a search warrant, looking for documents at Mar-a-Lago. According to former president Donald Trump, they even broke into his safe! On this week’s show, Ken and I talked about what had to happen for such a warrant to be approved, and why federal prosecutors would have sought it — can it really be just about the Presidential Records Act?

We also talked about what information who is entitled to when — Trump has been complaining a lot about the raid, but he hasn’t shown us the search warrant detailing exactly what the Feds were supposed to be looking for and what potential offenses they were related to.

As for the affidavit underlying the warrant — the document that explains in detail why the Feds thought they’d find something worth searching for at Mar-a-Lago — well, contrary to what some conservative journalists will tell you, Trump is not entitled to see that now, and neither are we. That’s the sort of information that comes out if and when there’s an indictment — and Ken has some thoughts about how close the raid means we might be to that.

Plus: Alex Jones. Will he actually have to pay close to $50 million to Sandy Hook families? And how come his lawyers failed to claw back the private documents they accidentally produced to the plaintiffs? Well, maybe they didn’t have a lot of better options.

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Serious Trouble
Serious Trouble
An irreverent podcast about the law from Josh Barro and Ken White.