I want everyone to know that you don’t need to mock Josh for titling this episode after a tv show that ended 30 years ago because I already did

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And that was always dismissed as histrionic and overly dramatic with little relation to how law is practiced in the courtrrom. Just more proof that life imitates art. Eventually.

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Ahhh now I get it. Nothing loves an explaination more than a joke.

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Help me here, please. What tv show? And what tilt?

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The title G.A. law is a play on L.A. law: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/L.A._Law

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Leaving "Atlanta Legal", "Law & Disorder" and "All Night (Long) Court" on the cutting room floor

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Hmm. Not sure I agree with that. What could be more outrageous and heartwarming than Shatner and Spader getting married by Justice Scalia? You could do your own podcast on this topic.

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Thanks. I absolutely remember and watched that show.

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When I saw the Supreme Court news yesterday, my first thought was “oh that means Josh, Ken, and Sara must have just finished recording”

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I dig it whenever you acknowledge Sara being in the studio during recording, and one of the great things about the swear jar was knowing she's there watching over you two scamps.

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You guys don't use the swear jar anymore?

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Not on public radio anymore!

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Great stuff this week on Georgia. Like the old sports cliche goes, the best offense is a really bad defense.

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i agr-- wait what

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This is probably my new all-time favorite episode, finally knocking Bad Lawyer, Bad! off it's pedestal

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Ken, do you think we will reach the point where we can start referring to Fani Willis as "Atlanta's version of Avenatti"?

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Josh: "Ken, is Fani Willis a good lawyer?"

Ken: *goat scream*

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